
Pictures of Meg's Paintings:

Bird Painting created for Youth Yard Sale

A 3 piece painting created for the Youth Yard Sale

Another painting created for the Youth Yard Sale

Christmas present for Rachel
"And if you give yourselves on behalf of the hungry..."
"...and give yourself to the down and out..."
"...then your light will rise in the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as day..."
"...the Lord will guide you always, He will satisfy your need in a sun-scorched land and strengthen your frame..."
" will be like a well watered garden. Like a spring whose waters never run dry." -Isaiah 58:10-11

For Becca

For Julia

For Shan
For Our room

For Stac
For Husky Rusky (Nate)

For Darc & Mike
For Ana
For our apartment using pages from a book

For our Apartment

Using Mussel shells

For our Bedroom

Using an old cabinet door

For our apartment
Worship through Art at "Engage"

For a Coffee Shop

Psalm 130:7

For a Coffee Shop

"The Art of Redemption"

Chris, Rach and Izzy

Little Star Wars action for Jasper

For a Coffee Shop

Abby's hands and foot prints


For a Coffee Shop